Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What kind of party is this?

Connor is a very sensible young person and is becoming quite capable of expressing his fears, concerns and pleasures with the world. He has also been brought along into the world of dinosaurs by his brother who balances his alter egos between Batman and a baby Triceratops. In front of the Museum of Fine Arts which we often drive past is a large, playful sculpture of a red dinosaur in a cage. Connor delights in pointing it out and the boys take great pleasure in it every time we go by.

Now, last weekend featured the following: Friday evening, Fall Festival at Connor's school (which was very strange since they've outsourced it to some Christian group); Saturday: Soccer in the morning, a lunch birthday party and Jamie's school's Fall Festival (a decidedly left-wingy affair as usual, much more pleasing) and Sunday: zoo boo in the morning (pictures to follow) and 2 birthday parties in the afternoon. The culmination was the party at the Natural Science Museum, which Jamie calls the Dinosaur Museum, of course. Connor had napped through the first party so I waited at home with him for Sarah and Jamie to pick us up. When I informed him that we were going to the Dinosaur Museum he looked alarmed and said, "Dinosaurs...in CAAAGE??!!"

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