Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yukking it up at dinner

Jamie best friend at his new school is a very sweet young boy named Will. Today they had a play date at our house and of course much silliness ensued. Great fun was the Mommy, Daddy and Connor in jail game, wherein we were imprisoned inside a fort of furniture, encouraged to attempt to escape and then, inevitably, captured and reincarcerated. I begin to understand the feeling of being institutionalized.

Dinner was a typically raucous and hilarious affair, with Will eating his food quietly and politely while Jamie provided the entertainment. Connor was already in a silly mood when Jamie proclaimed he was going to tell a joke. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" he asked. A pause pregnant with anticipation followed as we all waited for the punchline. "To get some information on da compuuuter!" At this Connor threw his head back and burst into laughter. Will laughed, as did we all, and then proclaimed "That was a SUPER-funny joke." Jamie will be here all week.

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