Friday, October 10, 2008

Interesting. Very interesting...

Jamie has started reading some short words lately and doing some rather impressive math. He is clearly enjoying the new sense of power that his deductive reasoning is able to provide as well. He has started a game of looking for clues lately. A couple of days ago after school, he and Sarah went outside to search for clues. She brought some paper to keep track of them. Here is the list exactly as Jamie found the clues:
1. Penguin sticker
2. Doggie footprints - brown and white dog?
3. Tiny footprints - dinosaur?
4. Fire ant
5. Footprint on a leaf
6. Color of the concrete
7. The moon
8. Volcanic rocks "(dried lava)
9. Clinky metal thing
10. Smooshed orange crayon
11. Dog barking
12. Moon following us
13. Dog poop
14. 2 Black kitty-cats with green eyes
15. Lifted up concrete
16. T-Rex prints
17. Tile floor

What could it all mean???!

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