Sunday, October 19, 2008

A boy's home is his castle

Jamie had his first drop-off playdate at Will's recently. As I pulled up to the house and noticed the front door which is about 3 times as wide as ours, I sensed that Will's family was on the other side of the Obama tax plan from us.

They are lovely people and Will is an incredibly sweet boy. He and Jamie were off together in a flash hugging each other awkwardly and running off to play. Will has a castle bunk bed, with all sorts of secret corners and compartments, so Jamie was in heaven. Later, after Sarah picked him up Jamie was marvelling at all the nice things about Will's house. Well, Sarah said, what's really important in a house is that there is love and laughter in it. Yeah, Jamie, said and some kids don't even have a house, so we are really lucky. For a moment Sarah though this was a real breakthrough and perhaps it was. But Jamie's next comment was, "Mom, I want to live at Will's house!" Why can't a kid have it all?

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