Monday, November 3, 2008

Maverick parents

Jamie and Connor have both been pretty politically aware, relatively speaking, this election season. Jamie was very excited to go vote with Mommy and happily proclaimed, "I'm voting for Obaaaaama!" Sarah told him she wanted him to remember this because it was a historic occasion. He said, "Oh I didn't know that. OK, I'll try to remember!"

Today coming home from school, he suddenly busted out with the question: "Dad, why lately you and Mommy have been saying the word 'mavericky' a lot?" To be honest I was a little too stunned to even answer at first, but I tried to explain it as mildly as possible. Then he said, "I just wouldn't like it if McCain won." He then mentioned a friend at school who was for McCain, so it was a good parenting opportunity to talk about diversity of opinion, blah blah. No, really I meant it of course.

We all watched part Obamercial the other night and Jamie asked alot about where Obama was and if was in Texas. No, we assured him Florida. Connor kept looking at the TV, saying, "That's Obama!"

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