Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why we want to live on 1 floor

I've been compiling a brief index lately of Jamie's many reasons for calling us down to his room. Here's a look:

Air, not on.
Air, on.
Air, making my hand float (he was 90% asleep for that one).
Dark, not enough
Dark, too much
Door, not open enough
Door, too open
Door knob, scaring me (now visible since Connor's crib was moved. Jamie's solution: move crib back, just without Connor).
Itchies, on bottom
Itchies, on face
Itchies, on hands
Itchies, on unknown body part, but very bad
Music, not loud enough.
Sniffies, I have them (often caused by crying about something previous, thus an excellent cause for a second visit).
Something scary, I heard it.
Something scary, I saw it.
Temperature, too cold
Temperature, too hot
Water, needed
Water, spilled on pajamas
Woobie, lost.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. That really does make a one-floor house appealing!!! But how can you resist him--too sweet!