Wednesday, January 2, 2008

To the moon Alice!

One word I forgot to mention among Connor's new repertoire is "moon". He really gets into it, giving it a full "mooooon" (He's not booing he's saying Mooooon!). There is a train book he likes to read that features a crescent moon on two pages. Now when we read it, he gives the train only passing attention (he knows this word too "chooo-choo") and starts saying mooooon, several pages before we get there.

Jamie's been very into space lately as well so we took them to SpaceCenter Houston for the first time the other day. They both enjoyed it very much though in different and rather unpredictable ways. There is a massive jungle gym there and an area with many many hand-sized balls. This was a favorite for both. We took the tram tour of the NASA campus and went to historic Mission Control, which was great. We were sitting with a tour group in chairs while they made a presentation about the Apollo space program. They were flashing a few pictures on the screens and showed some of the famous pictures of Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon. At which point, Connor, recognizing the moon I don't know how, loudly proclaims, "MOOOON!" He didn't seem to get enough of a reaction from the room so repeated several times "MOOOOOON!!!!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How wonderful! I'm so glad they have a shared interest. I can't wait for Jamie and Liam to be able to discuss space!