Friday, January 4, 2008

Jamie doesn't spell

Last night, I was picking the boys up from school and taking them to get pizza, a little tradition we have when Sarah is away, as she is this weekend. When I went in to the classroom to pick up Connor he was having his diaper changed and I heard his teacher assuring him "Don't worry, you'll get more," meaning that he had had to break away from a snack for the diaper. She put him down and he saw me and began his usual excited toddle over to me, arms extended. Very cute. But he got about a foot away from me and his expression changed and he did an immediate about-face back to the teacher. He had remembered, of course, the promise of more snacks, marshmallows as it turned out. Let's me know where I stand.

Things went downhill from here as I gave a couple of the marshmallows to Jamie just as Connor put the last fistful in his mouth. He took one look at the empty cup and began SCREAMING. Off we went to get pizza with Connor still angry. He started to calm down but than began repeating "wuhh, wuhh, wuhhh, wuuhhh," with increasing desperation, meaning he wanted his woobie, something I couldn't provide, there being a woobie at home and one at school. Jamie began telling me this, saying the word woobie over and over again, increasing Connor's alarm. I changed the subject to fire trucks, getting Connor to say "woo-woo-woo" as he does now, only to have Jamie bring woobies up again. Now, like many parents since time immemorial, Sarah and I are in the habit of spelling words out to each other that the boys shouldn't hear for one reason or another. So I found myself, having changed the subject again trying to tell Jamie not to mention the W-O-O-B-I-E again. He looked at me, confused, and said, in the particular way he has, "WOT?" I tried to explain but before I could finish, he said, "Dad I think Connor wants his woobie!" And off we went again.

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