Sunday, January 20, 2008


As previously noted, Connor has his sleep issues. In fact, as I write this at 6:30 AM he is snoring away on the couch downstairs, having woken at 4:30, SCREAMING with indignation at being in his crib. He seems to like the couch, however, and has now stretched out across it and gone happily back to sleep, sending me to the kitchen counter.

But one thing he has been consistently easier with than Jamie is GOING to sleep (knock wood). He actually seems aware of the desire to go to bed, something which Jamie, to this day, has almost never felt, or at least admitted to. He no longer drinks milk before bed time but we've established a very clear routine, which he likes. Having given "night-night" kisses to everyone (try and cheat him of this at your peril), we head upstairs (yes to our room still). He closes the office door and bathroom door and then marches over to the chair, gets it in and grabs "Goodnight Moon" expectantly. Connor, I should explain, has been difficult to read to from very early on. He gets impatient with the book and begins trying to quickly turn the pages, close the book, throw it, or simply beat it. But "Goodnight Moon" he loves, no doubt in part for its focus on his favorite orbiting sphere, but he also sings with excitement about the red balloon, the young mouse, the stars, etc. Upon finishing the book he loudly proclaims "Na-na" (night-night) and often points at the crib. Usually that's the last we hear from him for a few hours. There are occasionally wake-ups, with attendant screams of indignation, but we've learned that these tend to peter out in a couple of minutes, during the first part of the night, at least.

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