Monday, November 26, 2007

He walks, he talks

Yes, Connor is a true toddler now. He almost never crawls any more and can pretty much navigate around the room with only the occasional loss of balance. It's fun seeing this stage since Jamie never really went through it, preferring to wait until he could walk perfectly to walk at all. The best idea I can give of the way Connor looks when he walks is to suggest something like a cross between a penguin and a miniature Frankenstein.

He is also developing the vocabulary away from b-words, though these are still faves. It now includes:

"Dada" (Me, Sarah and even Jamie sometimes)
"Djissz" (Juice)
"Boooes" (Shoes)
"Bir-tuh" (Bird)
"But-tuh" (Button, to be distinguished from Jamie's "buttoom")
"All done!"
"Nah nah nah" (No, repeated many times)
"Mow" (Meow, following Jamie)
"Ba Ball" (Foul ball - Jamie's into baseball these days and Connor likes to provide commentary)
"Bah bah" (Chicken - the animal not the food)

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