Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rock update

Well, you'll all be glad to know that we went to the ENT doctor yesterday for a follow-up and all is well with Connor's ear. The important thing for the happiness of the bunny, and all of us really, is that he was cleared for the pool on Saturday.

A funny little anecdote from school. Connor, like most 5-year-olds of course, has really selective hearing, which is to say it often doesn't work when he's being spoken to by anybody above the age of 12. So I was talking to his teacher yesterday who was saying at recess that she was saying his name over and over and couldn't get his attention. One of the other teachers said, "Oh it must be the rock in his ear" (the story is well-known now). No, his teacher said, they took that out 3 days ago. Ah, Connor.

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