Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beware! Science!

Jamie has been going to a science class after school one day a week. When we first informed him of this (as with many kids, it is sometimes best to package something new as a fait accompli) he was resistant. But when I picked him up after the first day he was bubbling with enthusiasm, and said "I wish I could go everyday!!" Every week now, he proudly brings home the results of experiments with chemistry, magnets, colors, sounds, etc. One never quite knows what he will emerge with from week to week. Case in point: this week Sarah picked him up and he came running out with a bag of white powder and proclaimed "Mommy! We have to make sure to tell Daddy not to sniff this!!!"

Seems it is the hyper-absorbent chemical they put in diapers to soak up liquid, and would do bad things in one's lungs.

1 comment:

Nonni and Diddy said...

Hey,man,can I have a hit off your Pampers?