Friday, January 22, 2010

The donut train

The boys and I have a Sunday tradition of going to get kolaches before Sarah gets up. For the non-Texans out there the kolache is a wonderful breakfast item of soft bread that can be filled with a variety of things including egg, cheese, sausage, potatoes, etc. It is significant in our household because while Jamie would never eat eggs under any ordinary circumstances, the egg and cheese kolache, which is in fact quite a substantial thing, is the one breakfast food he eats absolutely without fail.

On some mornings, we go next door to the donut store and bring those back as well. The boys like this of course and clamour for it constantly. Apparently it stays in their minds during the week as well. Last evening Sarah was sitting in her study listening to Connor playing with his train tracks in the next room. Both boys have the very appealing habit of voicing different characters when they get really into playing. Here's what she heard:

Connor says in an exaggerated, deep voice:

"Thomas, I want you to get the donut train. To bring donuts to people."

"Yes sir!"

(Sound of trains moving on track)

The kid has the makings of a great public servant!


Nonni and Diddy said...

I want to be at your house on Sunday morning. I've been longing for one of those - is it kolanche- things ever since I heard about it - from Jamie I think!

Nonni and Diddy said...

Or just tell Connor to send the donut train here, too.