Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Watching the clock

Left to his own devices, Jamie would get up at first hint of light in the morning. So we have managed to institute a (mostly) successful system whereby both boys are meant to stay in bed until 7:00. Jamie is pretty good about this. He has a digital clock that he watches very carefully, waiting for the magic 7 to pop up. For his part, Connor seems to understand that he doesn't get up until Jamie does. Because he goes to sleep so much later than Jamie, even though they go to bed at the same time, he also not infrequently just snoozes right through until 7:30 or even 8 on the weekends.

This morning, for whatever reason, they were both up and chirping starting about 6. Sarah and I each went down once to quiet Connor. He was rarin' to go at 7 when I came down, but it was quiet in Jamie's room. I looked in and saw that he had fallen back asleep in his bed. As usual he had his woobie and his chosen stuffed animals nearby, but he also had the clock, which was sitting on the bed about 2 inches from his nose. He woke up when I made a little noise however and was quite gleeful to see: 7:04.

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