Friday, March 13, 2009

Mr. Sensitive

We have been very impressed lately and Jamie's increasing ability to be empathetic. He is much into the Clone Wars these days and when we went to Connecticut a few weeks ago I got him a clone action figure for the plane ride. When Nonni and Diddy came recently, however, they brought a whole troop of clones. These had the advantage over the one I gave a) in numbers b) in that their blasters (very important) were glued to their hands, so they didn't get lost and c)they have little platforms to stand on so they don't fall over. My clone literally couldn't stand up to the competition.

After a couple of days, he came over and asked quietly if it was OK that he played more with the clones that Nonni and Diddy gave because he didn't want me to feel sad that he didn't play with mine. Sweet boy.


Unknown said...

That is really sweet. We have the kind where they fall over and the blasters (which are impressive in a way I am not entirely comfortable with!) get lost. Perhaps I need to ask Nonny where she got hers!

Nonni and Diddy said...

Target, of course!