Friday, August 22, 2008

One step forward...

Connor has always been a talker. We never really did a lot of signing with Connor, as we did with Jamie, because he just seemed to gravitate immediately to verbal communication. These days, his language is increasing by leaps and bounds, but the more complex possibilities this opens up for him to tell us things, and for us to understand what's going on with him, the more challenges it presents and he comes up against the limits of his comprehension.

For example, he woke up this morning and announced to Sarah before he was even downstairs that he wanted a "waff-o" for breakfast, "not pan-CAKE". Very well, she said. So I took him downstairs, and as I was making the waffle, I asked him if he wanted jelly on the waffle. "No," he said, "Waff-o!!!" "Yes," I said, I'm making you a waffle. Do you want me to put jelly on it?" "No, no je-yee", came the answer. "OK, Connor, do you want me to put something else on it?" "No, put waff-o in mouth," (pointing to emphasize this, since Daddy is clearly stupid). So, sensing that the jelly question really wasn't being dealt with I put some on and he ate the whole thing.

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