Sunday, August 31, 2008

Major promotion

I will blog more soon about some very positive behavioral developments with Jamie, but for now one very exciting development has been a real upswing in his treatment of Connor. They have been playing so much more together the past couple of weeks and it is now not at all uncommon to hear Jamie call out "C'mon Con, come with me!" Music to our ears, sweet music. Connor is of course thrilled with this and comes running, "I comin' Ja-jame, I comin'," he says.

There have been a number of other manifestations of this new affection, including Jamie calling Connor his "best friend" while Nonni was here last week. But the biggest, most unmistakable sign of Connor's new status is that he has FINALLY been named Robin to Jamie's Batman. Jamie had resisted this for a long time, and we had taken to calling Connor "Little Blond Sidekick." But now when we say this Jamie says, "No! He's Robin!!"

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