Friday, July 18, 2008

Who is that unmasked man?

As I have noted, Jamie is fond of saying that his real name is Spiderman. Fittingly, he would like to wear his Spiderman costume everywhere he goes. We allow this when we can, but often we have to say no. Sometimes we let him wear the body part of the costume without the mask. We've explained to him, for instance, that wearing the mask to school might scare people because they wouldn't know who he was.

Jamie has been needing some new sneakers lately, so of course we've been thinking to try and find some Spiderman shoes. He added to this that he wanted light-up shows. Well, clever Mommy hit the jackpot and found light-up Spiderman sneakers (could it be that Jamie is not the only 4-year-old with this desire?). Jamie was very pleased and looked immediately forward to showing them off. Then he asked us, "Will people recognize me with these shoes on?"

He has a friend at school named Aiden Prusmack, who is big with the superhero stuff too. This morning Jamie declared, "I'm can't wait to show Prusmack these shoes!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, light up Spiderman shoes AND a spiderman costume. Surely you are currently winning the "best parents ever" award!