Friday, July 18, 2008

Loving the brother, pt. 2

Despite the usual conflicts, namely always wanting to play with the exact same toy, Jamie and Connor have been getting along pretty well lately. Connor idolizes Jamie of course, and Jamie, despite not letting Connor be a part of the superhero team, does seem at times very fond of his little brother.

At school last week they made collages by looking through pictures and finding things for which they were thankful. The results for Jamie were generally predictable: a pool, a car, a slice of pizza, race cars, a rocket ship. But there was also a rhinoceros
(can't explain that, but it's nice), and, a picture of a baby who looks surprisingly like Connor. Then, last weekend we had some friends over for a playdate and the mom, who has always rather adored Connor, jokingly said, "Oh, Connor I'm going to take you home." Jamie looked up in real alarm and yelled, "NOOOO!"

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