Monday, March 10, 2008

Language is power!

Guest contribution from Mommy:

Connor's saying so many words now; he easily knows 100 words. Plus he says 2 word sentences... like, "Hi Jay-Jay!" and "More choo-choo?" and "My wheee!" which means "My slide." He also knows some colors, which I find rather surprising. He can say yellow, blue, and red, and has an imperfect notion of what they refer to. He likes to color, and will sit with the box of crayons in front of him and demand "RED!" When we give him the red crayon, it sometimes pleases him, and sometimes he throws it across the room in anger, demanding again, "RED!" until we give him a blue crayon. He's turning into quite a tyrant. However, he also busted out the word "kiss" yesterday, offering one to me, and then providing it with a big "mwaah!" I think you can guess what my favorite new word is.

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