Friday, March 28, 2008


That would be Jamie's record in Candyland. He likes to play with the two of us at night after Connor has gone to Bedfordshire and before he goes. By some strange coincidence Jamie always wins and Sarah and I are reduced to being the Washington Generals of Candyland to Jamie's Globetrotters. There is something so guileless and good-natured about his cheating that we don't really argue too much or for too long. Plus, we all know that a game of Candy land can really stretch on and by that stage we're usually pretty ready to put a wrap on the day.

But I did win once. Once.


Unknown said...

You are nicer than I am. I got so fed up over the temper tantrums whenever Liam didn't win or had to go back that I now refuse to play. So does Liam.

Beth said...

Once when my nephew was 5 or 6 he was really, really determined to join the adults in a game of Clue. He played along quietly until he announced he was ready to make a guess. I patiently told him that he should be really sure before he made a guess and he went ahead anyway-- and won the game.

But if he was only 2, I'm sure he could never have won.