Monday, August 20, 2007

Showing off the vocab...and other things

Jamie has really advanced not only his vocabulary of late, but also his phrasing, which can often sound surprisingly grown-up. He has adopted a number of interesting phrases recently. The first, actually some time ago, was, emerging from his room at night, "Dad, I didn't realize I don't have my woobie." Then lately we've heard "I just happen not to be hungry right now," and in the car, "Oooh, I clearly saw two working trucks." But perhaps best, he announced, quite of nowhere, today after school: "I was determined to show my friends and my teacher my new underwear."

1 comment:

Beth said...

Now's when you start playing with him. Start mixing in some really exotic words in your own vocabulary and count the weeks until he is telling his preschool teacher all about his plethora of toy choices.