Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bizarre love triangle

Jamie's return to his preschool here has meant a reunion with his great friends Siler and Leah Mei. The three of them have been in class together for a couple of years now and make quite the triumvirate. They are usually there before Jamie in the morning and his arrival often instigates a battle for his heart and mind between the other two. This morning they were playing with balls in the gym. Poor Jamie, who generally needs a little time to warm up at school, was immediately confronted with the two of them saying "Play with my ball Jamie," "No, play with my ball Jamie." The complexity of the interactions between them has quite surprised us. The other day Jamie reported that Leah Mei, who certainly fancies herself the ringleader, "always orders us around, so we try to stay away from her." For his part, Siler has a birthday coming up and has been trying to use this for leverage. Jamie informed us yesterday that Siler had told him that if Jamie shared his book with Leah Mei rather than Siler, he would "wipe Jamie's name off my birthday party list." I think Jamie called Siler's bluff on that one.

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