Sunday, August 12, 2007

No fireworks!

As happy as Jamie is to be back in Houston, there are some things he'll need to get used to again, like the street noise. The second night we were back Jamie woke up crying at about 11:30. We had been deeply asleep for about an hour which is sort of the worst possible time to be awakened, so I was a little too fuzzy to really understand what he was telling me when I went down. He dutifully went back to sleep, but the next morning he kept talking about the fireworks. It finally emerged that he was crying because he had been woken up by, he thought, fireworks.

I figured this was just a one-off thing, but he has remained really concerned about fireworks, questioning us about them before every nap or bedtime. He himself ruled them out during naps, observing that fireworks (which he's never seen by the way) are only done at night. The next night when he asked me if there would be fireworks, and I confidently said no, they only do them for special occasions. Now at bedtime he always asks, "Dad, is it a special occasion tonight?" with an anxious look on his face. And the last couple of mornings I have been greeted with "I slept well last night. No fireworks." Seems he got used to those nice quiet Yavont nights.

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