Thursday, November 7, 2013

Game time, update

As if to prove the point of the previous post about it sometimes being a little tough to play games, we tried Monopoly again a few nights ago. Everything went Jamie's way from the beginning. Connor and I held on for a while but it was clear where things were headed. Connor got very mad when Jamie referred to himself as "The Winner" at one point, but we pressed on. When Connor landed on Jamie's Park Place with four houses on it though I called things. Connor reacted by waiting until Jamie wasn't looking and snatching away the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, which Jamie had just gotten about two hours before. Connor started to run and that clued Jamie in who followed protesting loudly. Connor then felt prosecuted and ran faster proclaiming his right to the book. Things were really only settled once we got to the table and they could join forces to protest being made to eat.

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