Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thanks Jamie!

I had an affirming conversation with Jamie the other day. We were in the car and he heard something about old players in the NBA and asked how old the oldest player was. I answered 40. He thought minute and said, "I don't think that that's so old." I agreed. Then he said, "I mean you're 41 and you're really good at basketball!" Now, granted he's seen me play maybe twice and I don't think he paid very close attention, to say the least, but I'll take it!

Actually, it's funny they are always angling to come with me to my Thursday night pickup basketball games. It is mainly because they like the vending machine there. Also, there are some ramps and places to hide so they get very into that, not watching Daddy play. As it happens, this is at a church gym and there is a seniors line-dancing class going on at the same time, and they get very dressed in Western gear and pouffy skirts. The boys went to watch and found it more or less the funniest thing they'd ever seen.

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