Thursday, February 21, 2013

I got it!

So Jamie's been playing on a select baseball team since last summer. In one sense that sounds impressive and really it is. The kid who started playing when he was 7 was a million miles away from even being on a field with these kids. On the other hand, we are playing up in a 10U group and so have been getting slaughtered regularly. Jamie bears this all just fine and seems to know he is a little over his head and so plugs away doing what he can. He has actually adapted to kid pitching quite well. One sign of his improvement came last weekend. With this group he plays pretty much right and left field and has learned the position well.

In this case there were two outs in what had been a brutal inning, of which we generally have one a game. Lots of runs had scores, balls had been dropped, throws gone awry, etc. And then a ball came arcing towards Jamie in right. In his telling his first thought was "uh-oh, I gotta catch this, I gotta catch this!" Now keep in mind that he has never caught a fly of any kind in a game at any level though he's caught plenty in practices. Fortunately, the ball came pretty much right at him and he stuck is glove out and THUMP! in it landed for a much-needed out #3. There was much rejoicing. Really, there was.

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