Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What really matters

I got a number of reports about the first day of school some of which I'll summarize soon, but one little nugget I liked a lot came from their first cello session. Jamie is a vet now but this was Connor's first day. They handed out a get-to-know-you kind of quiz for each of the kids. One of the questions was what do you care about most. Connor's answer, and I suspect it came very quickly, was "Jamie." Jamie's answer, he reported to great hilarity, was "The Little League World Series." "But," he said, seriously, "the next thing I would have said would be Connor."

This got him thinking so later he said, sort of out of nowhere, "Dad, here are the things I need to survive: you guys, Connor, food, water, baseball, reading, video games and Legos." I'm pretty happy to make that list!

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