Monday, August 27, 2012

Next stop

Another funny part of the boys' experience with the language in Italy was their tendency to notice certain words. We had a great time almost from the moment we got there because Cheerios had "I Pinguini di Madagascar" on the front of the box. We all had a great time with "pinguini" which frankly sounds like a made-up Italianization of the English word.

They also got very into transportation, especially the Metro which was only about a five-minute walk from our apartment. They quickly learned all the stops but made up their own versions. Some they just pronounced as if English ("Spagna" and "Republic" for Repubblica) but in other cases they got "Barberini" became "Barbie," and to constant giggles Flaminio became "Flamingo."

One final note on the metro, Jamie finally conquered his dread of escalators. I'm afraid it was just sheer volume. We went in and out of so many metro stations, eventually he started by taking short up escalators. In this case, I think it being so crowded actually helped so he didn't feel he would fall. Then, gradually he managed some down ones and before you knew it he was happily running off to get on every escalator he could to display his newfound skill. Well, almost every ones. There are some really big, long ones at Barbie and Republic that still freaked him out but frankly they sort of scared the rest of us to, so can't blame him too much.

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