Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The confusion goes on

I want to preface this post by saying that it is very clear that Connor is an exceptionally bright boy. He recently scored a kind of absurdly high number on one of those standardized tests. Not that these really mean anything of course, but it's just one indication which is consistent with things we've observed. His reading for instance is proceeding at leaps and bounds. He seems to jump ahead almost on an hourly basis these days.

But his Kryptonite, it would seem, remains animal identification. Now, James could identify animals at a distance before he could talk. I can remember him feverishly signing "dog" on one of our early morning walks when his age was still counted in months. I also remember him presciently signing bird after studying penguins swimming for a few minutes.

But Connor, well...A few weeks ago we were at Brazos Bend State Park and in the nature center they had a stuffed raccoon. Connor looked at it and said, "Awww, look, a fox!" Then last weekend we were at the baseball field and someone in the distance walked by with a black and white border collie. Connor excitedly said, "Look Daddy!!! A baby cow!" I really had to struggle to keep a straight face and answer his excitement while gently pointing out that it was a dog.

I have this fear that there is a secret test to become President in which you have to correctly identify 5 animals and Connor will be cooked. Maybe he'll just get a nice, difficult Cabinet post.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Connor is thinking of animal names in another language. I just learned that the word for raccoon in Italian is "little working bear." Not that far off from fox...

Unknown said...

You know Alexis, that just might explain it. It wouldn't surprise me if he was just on a different level. Though he tried to call a gorilla a fox too. Any help on that one?

Beth said...

Well, Jamie is smarter than Ted. I had the hardest time convincing Ted that penguins are birds, not mammals.