Thursday, August 18, 2011

Give me a D!!

So I took the boys to the doctor's office this week for Connor's 5-year checkup. The boys put on quite a show. They spent the entire time in the waiting room, hallways and examination room tumbling over each other and hurtling themselves around, my exhortations of calm notwithstanding. Nobody seemed to mind though because this was all accompanied by ripples of laughter and silly noises.

When we were able to corral the boy-ness for long enough for the Doc to do his work all was pronounced well. The best part was the vision test. Connor really likes doing letter recognition, so he was into it. The nurse would point to a letter and Connor, one hand over an eye would yell "E!" "P!!" "D!!!!" getting louder every time. The whole office pretty much stopped to watch. Then it was time to do the other eye, so she told him to cover it with his other hand. He looked confused for a bit, then slowly raised his hand, but without uncovering the other eye. He stood there for a little and then said "Hey! I can't see!" Much hilarity. Eventually, we sorted it out and discovered that he sees quite well indeed.

1 comment:

Nonni and Diddy said...

5 year olds are very literal. And Costellos will joke about anything. No sure which was in play here. Maybe both.