Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How could you???

Children are fickle. No news there. But it's interesting the way it plays out. Yesterday, I picked up Jamie a little earlier than usual around 3:40. It was absolutely beautiful outside so I decided we would wash the cars, which they always enjoy. So we went to Home Depot and got a new hose and some other things we needed. The boys are ever helpful and tried to carry everything for me. Very soon it got too heavy but in case anybody doubted the effort Connor grunted his way halfway across the store with the coiled hose saying, "THIS--uhhh--IS--uhhh-SO--uhhh-HEAVY." So we got home, and I made them a snack (this is assumed) and we got ready to go outside. First Jamie got bent out of shape because he wanted to go shirtless and I said no because the sun was very bright still. Somehow this affected his sense of how wet he could get. It is also just another instance Sarah and I being blamed for the sun. Connor is very frequently frustrated by having the sun in his eyes in the car, and clearly feels one of us should move it. The sun, that is.

But we moved on and had a great time. The boys, of course, were much more interested in spraying the water than in washing the car. Almost the second we got out there Jamie took the hose and Connor began yelling "Try and get me! Try and get me!!" So Jamie sprayed him. At which point Connor yelled indignantly "Nooooooo! JAMIE!!!" and then, as if I hadn't been right there, said "Daddy! Jamie sprayed me!!" That same little scenario played out a few times until Connor got the hose and thoroughly soaked Jamie, who was very pleased. Eventually we turned the water off but they got a big thrill out of throwing the sponge into the soapy water and watching the suds splash up into the air. Soon Jamie was covered in soap. And then in a flash, they decided they were cold. Suddenly they are looking at me with this expression that asked why would a nice father make his children be freezing outside in the cold? Why?? So we went in and I made them hot chocolate, which helped, if only a little bit.


Democratic Central Committee said...

Sounds like "Mission Accompished" for the boys at least - the mission being having as much fun as possible with the water, the hose and the sponge. opefully somewhere in all that the cars got at least a once over. And any outing that ends with hot chocolate is a success.

Democratic Central Committee said...

Sorry - I forgot I was signed on at my DCC site. That was Mary on the last post.