Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No words

Connor views bedtime sort of like the curtain call to a daylong performance. He likes to make many return appearances. One of his excuses for coming back out is to claim that he has a question to ask, something he's learned from Jamie. As with his older brother, moreover, if he doesn't really have a question he'll just make one up. Thus, for instance, he likes to ask "Do you know that fire can beat lightning?" This then takes on a ritualistic aspect and is repeated on a nightly basis.

In a (futile) effort to forestall this I took for some time to asking him while I was in his room still whether he had anything to ask. I think he sensed this strategy required a new response, so one night he said, "Yes. My question has no words." And then he stared significantly at me for a few seconds and said, "There. That's it." I was taken aback at first but now we do this most nights. I stare back at him and say "That's the answer."

1 comment:

Nonni and Diddy said...

This is a contest you know you're going to lose. But you have to keep on trying.