Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tsunami anyone?

Connor has a wonderful approach to language. Like so many children he is a sponge, picking up expressions from Sarah and me, and Jamie of course, and TV and movies. Just today as he and Jamie were play fighting Connor told his brother he was a "miscreant." What's great about him, however, is that he is very un-self-conscious in trying out new vocabulary. He doesn't always pay a great deal of attention to whether he is particularly right. He used to do this with animals a lot. Upon seeing a giraffe, he would happily exclaim, "Look!!! A zebra!" and be totally unconcerned when corrected. Even now, he blithely calls dinner breakfast and lunch dinner. Sometimes one doesn't know whether he's mixing words up or just being eccentric. Ask him what he wants on a hot dog, for instance, " and he'll say "Ummmm. Ketchup...and pickles...and CHICKEN!"

Lately he has had a number of great malapropisms and idiomatic expressions. Here's a sampling:

Waffle = "Muffle". As in, "I want a muffle for breakfast."
Sneakers = "Fast shoes"
Fast = Speed, as in "I can run SO speed!!!!"
Aisle = Style
Hamburger = "Hang-ubber" (Cheeseburger, "cheese-gubber")
Burritos = "Doritos"
Pajama tops = "Topping" as in "I don't want to wear a topping to bed!"

And our personal fave:
Salami = "Tsunami"

What's bad about this is that they are so cute, and we know how soon they will be gone, that we not only don't correct them, but actively encourage them: "Who wants tsunami for lunch?"

1 comment:

Nonni and Diddy said...

Can we have a tsunami sandwich while watching the tumtoinch?