Friday, June 18, 2010


The boys talk pretty much non-stop. It's another thing about Sarah being gone. They sense there is only one pair of eardrums for their voices to reach so they are in considerable competition to make themselves heard. As with many other competitions, Jamie usually wins in the end. The two manage to make virtually everything, like walking from one room to another, into a race. Connor generally tries to do this retroactively, so that having gotten somewhere, or eaten something, or done anything really, he happily proclaims, "I won!!" This angers Jamie who insistently proclaims that it wasn't a race, but remembers it exactly, so the next time he makes sure to announce that it is a race, which, given an equal start, he invariably wins. Connor then collapses into tears.

Anyway, in the midst of all this Connor does manage to get a word in occasionally and he's got some very cute little sayings. One of my favorites is that in playing "I spy" he likes to say "I spy on my little eye..." He also likes to stand on the scale. The boys have been enjoying this as they like seeing when they have gained weight. When Connor wants to go weigh himself he says, "Let's go measure my feet!"

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh I love that one! xoxo