Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let's play chest!

Jamie's latest obsession is chess. He's actually doing great with it. For once I am forcing him to play by the actual rules as opposed to the Jamie-always-wins rules Risk and Candyland we usually play, so I wasn't sure how he would react the very rigid rules about piece movement. As soon as we started playing, however, it was clear it would go well because he said, "Dad, is this like war?" Then before I could nuance a reply he said "I think it is, so I like it." He's actually picking up the rules pretty quickly, too. The only piece he really can't figure out is the knight. But he has some of the lingo down after watching the chess scene is Harry Potter, so he likes to refer to his "queen-side castle" whenever possible. This makes up for the fact that he is still working the name of the game out and often calls it "Chest."

It's funny watching him learn strategy. He's been very into Tic-Tac-Toe lately, but he is still totally unable to think in terms of defense. He plays straight ahead to win and doesn't try to block the other player. On the other hand, he's very into rock-paper-scissors and shows a sometimes spooky ability to guess what you are thinking and react accordingly. Of course sometimes he still waits to see what you play and assure himself victory.

1 comment:

Nonni and Diddy said...

do the winners do chess bumps?