Monday, March 22, 2010

Talking to Connor

Though reticent at times Connor can be quite an engaging conversationalist. One has to be prepared however for some surprising turns, some creative logic and sometimes downright lying. Here's an example, taken from a recent conversation with Sarah:

Mommy: OK, kids, let's go, we're going to a fun place with animals.
Connor: (claps hands) Oh, thank you!! Is it the zoo?
Mommy: No, it's a feed store--they have seeds, plants, and bunnies, kittens, and puppies.
Connor: Oh, yay! I love kittens. Are there tigers?
Mommy: No.
Connor: Lions?
Mommy: No.
Connor: Oh. Daddy said there would be.
Connor: Are the kitties black and white?
Mommy: Yes.
Connor: Well if we're going, let's go!

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