Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baa baa black sheep (ad infinitum)

Perhaps we've all had the experience of hearing a new song on the radio and wanting to sing it over and over and not being able to get it out of your head. That's what Connor has right now with "Baa baa black sheep." He LOVES that song! I would estimate that in the time between Jamie's school and Connor's school, we sang it probably 20 times and that's just one part of the day. He likes to sing it before he goes to bed and the other night he was about 1/4 awake, while looking for his woobie at 2 AM, but still managed to request that I sing it to him. He likes to substitute all of our names in to the "little boy down the lane" part but probably uses his own name 75% of the time. I can't really describe how cute he sounds singing it himself, but we hope to have video soon.

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