Monday, December 29, 2008

A pair of jokers

As noted previously in this space Jamie seems to see his role at dinner as providing entertainment while everybody else eats. Connor mostly likes to enjoy the show, but lately he has been getting very jokey himself and the two of them just crack each other, often with the very same joke repeated endlessly.

There is a girl at Connor's school with whom he is great friends named Amelie. One day he came home calling Sarah "Mom-elie" and Jamie "Jam-elie" and oh, how he laughed at that. Then yesterday I took him downstairs to get him ready for bed and said, "OK Connor time for pajamas." "No!" he said "Time for VA-jamas!!!" And then he laughed and said "I joking DADA!!!!" Crazy times.

Jamie has also discovered the knock-knock joke. His delivery needs a little work though. In the first place, upon hearing this, Connor started saying "Ding-dong" and now Jamie's picked it up, so he says, "Ding-dong!" "Who's there?" we dutifully provide.
-"Orange," says he.
-"Orange who?"
-"Banana who?"
-"Orange you glad I didn't say orange?"

Or sometimes he just keeps saying banana.

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