Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nice is as nice does

Connor is a very direct, enthusiastic young person. He tends to do everything full force, going from great joy to great sorrow in a heartbeat and then back again. He also had a sort of cheerful, destructive side, being more reckless about hitting and destroying things than Jamie was. We've been trying to teach him some moderation. He's very interested in animals for instance, but tends to show his enthusiasm by punk-slapping whatever creature comes across his path. So, we've taught him to touch "nice" and shown him a petting motion. This helps, but still when he gets excited he tends to sort of hit/pet all the while proclaiming "NIIIIICE!" Recently at the zoo he started chasing birds around the picnic area, hand poised, shouting the magic word over and over. The birds were not convinced.

Sometimes we're on the receiving end of the niceness. It's a little scary to be lying on the floor and see this cherubic child standing over you with his arm cocked and a slightly crazed look in his eye, repeating "NIIICE!"

Sometimes he also says "Nice" in reference to nothing obvious, leading us to wonder what kind of thought crime he might be policing himself for.

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