Monday, July 9, 2007


We have discovered that reports of the "why" phase were really not exaggerated. The word probably passes Jamie's lips 30 times a day at the least. I would like here to record some of the many ways in which he has queried us with regard to the nature of life, the universe and everything:

Why we are next to this lake?
Why bricks are not food?
Why I was born a boy?
Why Annabelle (Sarah's parents' cat) was not born a dog?
Why did it rain? (X25)
Why mud is dirty?
Why the sun is going to bed?
Why the wheels are under the car?
Why you don't know? (X25)
Why this is Wednesday?
Why this is Earth?
Why there was a Big Bang?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow-those are some deep thoughts!! My favorite around here are the questions about Liam's own thoughts, i.e. "Why did I say it was scary?". No big bang theories yet!