Friday, November 4, 2011

Can't go to sleep with 'em, can't go to sleep without 'em

The boys are still sharing a bedroom, Jamie on the top bunk, Connor on the bottom. In theory we are going to move one of them to another room at some point but I don't see this as particularly immanent. I'm sure Connor would be very distressed to be alone (on nights when he won't be quiet (most) one of the threats that sometimes works a little is to move him out of the room by himself). But interestingly, Jamie seems to really like having his brother there too.

This is somewhat hard to detect because there is inevitably frustration. Jamie loves to read in bed. Connor, who I would add is doing great with his reading these days, however, wants to talk. There then begins a cycle of Connor talking and Jamie frustratedly yelling "Connnooo! BE QUIET". Then we yell at Jamie to be quiet, and on it goes. Even when the light goes out Jamie often complains he can't sleep or hear is music because of Connor, so this goes on.

But a couple of nights as they've been going to sleep Connor has emerged from the bedroom to ask some question (this often happens) and Jamie has started calling to him. We assumed at first this was frustration that Connor was going to get them both in trouble, but when we asked him he said, "I like having Connor here. I want him to come back." Displays of affection from the older brother are rare, but very sweet when they happen.

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