Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

It was a grand day indeed. Jamie woke up on Christmas Eve saying he wanted to go to bed right away so Santa would come sooner (I'm not sure what would have happened if we'd tried to put that into practice.). But we counted the hours down by watching NORAD's Santa tracker throughout the day and this year they both went to bed right on time so as not to risk being naughty. There was some concern because there are some little girls on our street and there was a fear that Santa might mix them up and bring the boys princess dolls or some such horror.

But happily Santa nailed it as usual and the boys were very pleased with their loot. They managed not to get up too early, with Jamie waking around 6:30 and Connor soon after. The bunny was a little cranky at first and I think may have forgotten it was Christmas but as soon as his eyes scanned the room full of presents he perked right up and it was on. Most of their presents had been unwrapped before it was light out. For Jamie the big item was a Nerf gun (shoots soft darts with surprising velocity). He has actually handled this responsibility well, meaning that he hasn't been shooting Connor with it. Connor got a smaller version and a number of other things. Curiously, he greatest excitement was opening his stocking when he found a Matchbox old-time pickup truck. Frankly it was a bit of throw-in, but the minute he saw it proclaimed "Ohhh!! It's just what I always wanted!!!"

The rest of the day was pretty good, there was only limited crashing and most of the toys managed to make it through the day without breaking so all in all a success!

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