Thursday, October 14, 2010

Species confusion

Connor continues to go blithely through life calling things by the wrong name. In one sense, we look back and laugh at the way he used to look at a zebra and say "Giraffe!" But in another sense it really hasn't changed. We went for a nature walk the other weekend when it finally got nice in Houston and some passed us on a trail and said they had seen an armadillo. The boys were pleased by this prospect, so we walked on a few yards to go see if we could find one. Connor then points to an ant in the trail and says, very loudly, "OH!! Is that an armadillo??!!!"

It's not that he doesn't get it I think, it's just that he wants to be able to call things what he wants them to be. In the same vein he wants distant events to be tomorrow. So it's been Christmas tomorrow for about a month now.

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