Monday, April 19, 2010

Sick boys!

Once again I must apologize, dear readers, for the delay between posts. Between Easter, allergies and various (minor) sicknesses the expected calm period has yet to be realized. Nonetheless I am in the last week of classes at Rice so I hope to be able to catch up on some of the various happenings.

After a very long healthy period the boys have both been under the weather of late. Poor Connor had a double ear infection a couple of weeks ago and then Jamie got a virus last week. It has been ages since he got sick so I think he was a little taken aback by the experience of feeling poorly and it made us realize how lucky we've been with him. The worst symptom was a very high fever for a couple of nights. I slept next to him on the futon and it was nice to be able to care for him though also made for a long couple of nights. The fever and the semi-sleepy state meant that he produced some rather strange comments as he was clearly hallucinating a little bit. He kept talking about being upside down, which then seemed to disconcert him. Happily, it took one day at home from school with Sarah, some TV and some video games to restore him to health. He refers to this day now as "the best day ever!".

Now Connor seems to have the virus. It's different with him because the main result is that he wakes up and wants to get out of bed and play. Wants us out of bed too. So we had a bit of a time getting him back to sleep at about 4 last night. It gets hard to comfort him too because if he doesn't get what he wants he gets mad at us and turns away when we come near. Finally, we turned a desk light on in their room. Sarah had positioned it on the floor pointed down so it wouldn't be too bright. Apparently that's not a problem because when he finally fell asleep he was lying with his face on the edge of the bed looking directly at the light, about a foot away. Whatever works!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

An update: Connor's sick day at home is decidedly NOT his "best day ever." My efforts to care for him are viewed with suspicion and resentment. I was trying to snuggle him just now, and he asked me, rather annoyed, "to please go away." I did, and he promptly fell asleep. That'll show me.