Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Here comes Santa Claus

Christmas Eve seemed an eternity to poor Jamie. He had been waiting, not particularly patiently, for Christmas ever since his birthday and time seemed to crawl for him. At about 1 in the afternoon he declared he wanted to go to sleep so he could wake up and it would be Christmas. Sensing a rare opportunity, we pounced and suggested he take a nap to make the time go faster, but this was brushed aside. In fact he spend most of the time watching the NORAD Santa Tracker. It is good to see Pentagon technology being put to some useful end, and in addition to adding to the excitement it produced a day-long geography lesson. We had some friends over later in the and were showing them and they pointed to an island far north of Norway and asked what it was. Jamie immediately answered "Svalbard! And Santa has already been there."

The friends stayed fairly late so the boys didn't get to bed until 9:30 or so. Jamie was torn at this point. He admitted the next day that he had snuck out of bed to look at the Santa Tracker a couple of times. But he also came out at some point genuinely worried because he couldn't fall asleep and he was afraid if Santa got there and he was still up, Santa might pass him by. We reassured him and miracle of miracles he didn't wake up until a little after 7, so Christmas Day didn't start too early for Mommy and Daddy. We also got to bed earlier than the last few Christmas Eves. This was in part due to Sarah excellent organization of the big show, but also because this year there was actually very little pre-assembly to be done.

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