Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looking out for #2

Connor has to look out for himself, there is no question about it. He is very very quick to speak up if he feels that Jamie is getting anything that he is not. As noted in the previous post, he also likes to deliberately take the contrary position to Jamie, just to test out who is going to get his way. Poor thing, really, it must seem like he has to watch out for disadvantage at every turn. We had told Jamie as a part of a developing chores plan that if, among other things, he cleared his plate after every meal, he would get an allowance. Jamie took it a bit more literally. He brought his plate to the sink after breakfast yesterday and then demanded some money. We explained to him the way it would work and he was satisfied. Connor, however, was clearly listening, because he looked up and said "Is Jamie going to get ALL the money??" No, we said. Connor replied succinctly, "Good," and went back to his coloring.

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