Monday, June 1, 2009

Missing Jamie

Connor and I are certainly not the only ones missing our Jamie. His particular friend at school, Will, is also having hard time. I went by Jamie's school the other day to pick up some stuff we had left there and saw his teacher, Cynthia. She said that poor Will had the impression that Jamie was going to be gone a week (I don't think kids can really conceive of a period too much longer) and so after 7 days was quite indignant that Jamie had returned and sure that some adult had made a mistake. Apparently in art projects Will has been making presents and pictures for Jamie.

Cynthia also said that she'd gotten to know Will better in that week that she had all year, because with Jamie gone Will actually talks to her now. Not to worry all, the dynamic duo will be re-united soon and will spend a week in a day camp together. Interestingly, so will Connor. Assuming we get him potty trained (cue ominous music).

1 comment:

Nonni and Diddy said...

I know you're busy, but I'm missing the blog!