Monday, June 30, 2008

I'd like to buy the world a...

As many of you have witnessed, Jamie, like so many of his kind and age, has an aversion to meals. He would much prefer to snack his way through the day. This involves in part his need to be in motion at all times, and in part, of course, the desire for snack-type food, crackers, cookies, sweets. In a word, junk.

Recently, he has discovered Doritos. I don't know where to be honest, because we didn't give him any. These are the preferred snack at the moment. I took him out of school for a morning this last week before Sarah's return and we went to the Children's Museum to have a little Jamie-Daddy time. It was great and discussing it afterwards Jamie said, "Dad I didn't have a good time, I had a FANTASTIC time." When pressed for details, however, he made it clear that his favorite thing was sitting in the cafe having Doritos and chocolate milk.

When we went to the airport to pick up Mommy on Saturday, he was promised a snack, and, predictably, went for the Doritos. He was being very good about sharing with Connor and I suppose the sense of excitement at seeing Mommy soon made him especially ebullient. When I complemented him on sharing nicely he said, "Dad, I wish there was a giant Dorito at the center of the earth and everyone could share!

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