Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Scenes from a developing vocabulary

As much as we are amazed by Connor's close attention to our words and ability to recreate them, Jamie has a remarkable habit of turning particular phrases back at us. Sometimes this is troublesome. For instance, when we are disciplining him, he likes to say "You're not speaking very nicely to me!" something we tell him not infrequently.

But most of the time it's very cute. Some recent examples:

The other morning Sarah was putting the boys in the car for school. She asked Jamie why he didn't have his seatbelt on yet, and he said, "Because I'm getting myself SITUATED!"

Yesterday, Jamie was calling for Sarah to come downstairs to help him look for something and she replied she would come down in 5 minutes. "Okay," he replied, "in the MEANWHILE, me and my Dad are going to look for it!"

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